Our Values

Our priorities as a party include, but are not limited to:

Investing in Huntersville

Investing in Huntersville is a priority for the candidates. We want to build a town where all our communities have the same opportunities to thrive.

We are committed to supporting the road map for Huntersville’s growth known as the 2040 Plan. Following the 2040 plan will put on us the pathway to Huntersville becoming “the most livable town” in North Mecklenburg.

Smart growth

Smart Growth is a priority for the candidates. We will compare each development project to the 2040 Plan to ensure it fits our community’s vision for who we want to be. We also support the Education Bond that will bring much-needed new school buildings to Huntersville.

Transportation and Greenways and Parks Bonds 

We know the traffic in our community is a burden for our residents. We support the $50 million Bond for Transportation. We are committed to making every effort to relieve traffic backups.  We will continue to work on accelerating targeted road projects to make them shovel-ready.  This allows us to move more quickly once funding sources are found for those transportation projects.

Greenways and Parks are priorities for our team. We support the $8 million Bond for Parks and Recreation projects. We will work to address climate change by creating a committee to audit the efficiency of our town and present a plan. We will advocate for improving public transportation, energy efficiency through town infrastructure, and protecting green spaces. 

Public Safety

Public safety is a priority for our team. We know it is a priority to invest in our police and fire departments, so they have the staff and resources they need to keep our town safe. Strengthening our relationships with our community partners is a key aspect of our platform.

Workforce Housing

Huntersville is known for having a solid and high-quality labor force. We will work to bring companies to Huntersville that will be integral to our community. 

We want teachers, police officers, and firefighters to be able to live where they work. We are focused on finding innovative ways to bring workforce housing to Huntersville.

Environmental Stewardship

Education Bonds

Accelerating Targeted Road Projects