Headshot of Christy Clark.

"The sincere belief that everyone deserves the same kindness and respect is central to who I am. As a former state Representative, a wife, and a mom, I have always led with my heart putting these principles at the forefront. You and I may not always see eye to eye, but my top priority will always be to serve you with kindness and respect. Take care — Christy"

Learn more about Christy Clark's Mayoral campaign.

Candidates for Town Commissioner

Election Dates

Sep. 30th 2-4PM:  Kickoff Event and Canvassing

Oct. 1st 2-4PM:  Virtual Kickoff Event and Recruitment Phonebanks

Oct. 19th - Nov. 4th: One-stop, in-person early voting begins for November municipal elections

Nov. 7th:  Election Night Watch Party at 8pm!

Weekly Events

Weekly Phonebanks:  Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays; at 10AM-12PM, 2PM-4PM, and 6PM-8PM

Weekend Canvasses:  Saturdays and Sundays; at 9AM-11AM, 11AM-1PM, and 1PM-3PM

How To Vote

People in a large crowd holding up signs saying "I will vote".

Visit the North Carolina State Board of Election's voter resources to learn more about voting procedures, casting your ballot in person or by mail, and other voting tools and assistance available in North Carolina.